The 8th Dr Anamika Ray Media Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Ranjan Hettiarachchi of the University of Colomb on the topic, "Media for Peace: Exploring Journalism's Role in Social Harmony" at 4pm on 15th of October, 2024.

Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust, an educational and research non-profit organisation working on media and social science in the South Asian region, organizes an annual media oration to emphasize its vision to enhance media literacy and education. The first Lecture was delivered by Prof. Mohan Jyoti Dutta of the National University of Singapore in 2017, followed by Dr Jatin Srivastava of Ohio University, USA in 2018; Dr. Pallavi Guha of Towson University, USA and formerly journalist of BBC (UK) in 2019, Dr. R. Sreedher, Emeritus Professor and pioneer of educational broadcasting in 202b0, Prof. Ujjwal K Chowdhury, Secretary, Global Media Education Council; Former Pro Vice-Chancellor, Adamas University, Kolkata; Dean, Symbiosis, Pune; Amity University, Mumbai, the 6th edition of this lecture was delivered in 2022 by Prof. Sachchidanand Joshi, the Member Secretary of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi, and former Vice-Chancellor of Kushabhau Thakre University of Journalism and Mass Communication, Raipur and the last year the lecture was delivered by Dr Gulam Rahman, former Chief Information Commissioner of Bangladesh.
